I Don’t Know If I Can Quit

Many ex-smokers say quitting was one of the hardest things they ever did. Yet millions have done it and so can you!

Why is quitting so hard? Cigarettes and other tobacco products have a drug called nicotine in them. When you smoke, you become addicted to nicotine. The addiction to nicotine is both physical and emotional.

But there is hope! Quit smoking medicines approved by the FDA can be very helpful in lessening any symptoms, preventing future cravings (urges to smoke) and can double your chances of quitting. Being in a support program while using FDA-approved medicines nearly triples your chances of quitting.

Another key to quitting is to understand why you smoke. When you smoke, your activities, moods, feelings, and people around you are linked to your smoking and become triggers. Triggers are certain times, places, people, or feelings that make you want to smoke. Triggers may include being around other smokers, feelings stressed, drinking coffee or alcohol, or simply enjoying a meal. To help identify your triggers, use a smoking record to help you keep track of when you smoke, what you’re doing when you smoke, and how strong your cravings are. Knowing what your triggers are will help you stay in control because you can avoid them or use tactics to keep your mind off smoking.

Remember, many people go through several quit attempts before quitting for good. Setting a quit date in advance gives you time to plan and prepare for cravings and triggers. The Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline provides one-on-one coaching to help you understand what your reasons are for smoking and develop ways to handle your triggers so you can quit for good!

Click here for more information on how to handle specific triggers.