I Feel Depressed or Anxious

If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety or depression you know how important support is. Quitting smoking is a similar process of changing habits and finding new ways of dealing with situations and urges to smoke in a healthy way.

Many people with depression or anxiety may be afraid to quit and worry that quitting will worsen their symptoms. While mental health symptoms may worsen temporarily, this is a normal and healthy part of the quitting process. There are many tools available to help you get through the withdrawal process.

The Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline has experience helping people with anxiety or depression quit smoking.  Call them for free help at 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) to speak to a quit coach, set your quit date, and create a program designed for your success

Quit smoking medications can help with withdrawal effects such as irritability, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Here are some other tips for managing these negative feelings:

  • Remind yourself that these feelings are temporary.
  • Find a way to build physical activity into your day such as taking a walk or jog.
  • Practice the 4Ds, including breathing deeply and finding a way to relax, be alone, and take space to yourself.
  • Reduce caffeine by avoiding soda and coffee as caffeine can worsen symptoms.

Remember, you can apply what you’ve learned from dealing with the challenges of mental health symptoms to quitting smoking. You’re already ahead of the game!